Supported Editions:

The app supports the Essential or Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries:


Supported Languages:

This app is available in English (United States) and Turkey (Turkish)

For Pricing and more information 

Check Fıeld Management

The Check Field Management provides to set mandatory fields on cards, documents and journals for.
There is the possibility that users can forget some information on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. It causes the wrong reports. With B2F Check Field Management, you do not need your Microsoft Business partner to develop to set mandatory information on cards, documents, and journals.
We have created a special application on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in order to set mandatory fields on cards, journals, and documents for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Business Central can block the cards(ex: vendor, customer, Items, etc), gives warning for documents (SalesOrder /Invoice, Purchase order / Invoice, etc) and journals (ex: Item journals, General Journals etc) until defining fields which are mandatory. There is a setup page and systems allow you to control it.

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