
Rapid technological development has brought along change in the ways of doing business of the companies.  The conventional way of issuing invoices, which used physical papers, has changed, too and migrated to electronic environment. This has brought speed and flexibility while also preventing consumption of tons of paper, contributing in the earth in terms of ecology.  E-invoice is a product of the e-transformation process. 


As B2F, we are offering solutions which facilitate your company to adapt to the developing technology, and supporting your migration process to the e-invoice system.  Before proceeding to features of the solution we offer, let’s look at issue of “what is e-invoice?”

What is E-Invoice?

E-Invoice is standardized, unmodifiable, secure, time and cost-saving digital version of the physical invoicing process, which has the same legal characters as the paper invoice.

Advantages of E-Invoice

  • E-invoice eliminates the physical invoicing process, meaning that it saves paper and is eco-friendly.
  • It eliminates the different stationary costs such as envelope, ink, etc. required for physical invoices.
  • It also reduces the costs arising from correcting mistakes.
  • Employee cost is also minimized as digital transactions reduce the need for labor.
  • As e-invoice is sent in the digital environment, it eliminates the cargo costs, further reducing your costs.
  • Archiving in the e-invoice system is also digital, eliminating the expenses for archiving.
  • With e-invoice, your invoices will never get lost.
  • As invoicing process becomes faster, save your valuable time of your personnel and improve their productivity.
  • And your collection process will become faster, contributing your company to have a faster cash flow.
  • It helps grow small enterprises.
  • It helps large enterprises make savings.
  • It eliminates the problem of undelivered invoices to your client.
  • It enables enterprises to view their instantaneous financial statement faster.

B2F E-Invoice Application

With B2F e-invoice application that can run integrated with ERP software such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Navision and AX, create, store and view your invoices at any time.  With B2F e-invoice solution, migrate your invoicing process to digital, ensure speed and efficiency in your payment and collection processes. Get rid of the cargo costs of your invoices, and reduce your costs. 

Features of B2F E-Invoice Solution

Widely Used

B2F e-invoice solution has been applied by many companies with success. 

Legal Compliance

Complies with standards of Revenue Administration.

Update Support

B2F follows up new legislative and regulatory developments and updates the program regularly.

Familiar Screens

Since entire solution is designed on the Dynamics ERP, users work on the interface they are already familiar with, and does not require separate system/software/interface need/installation.

Invoice Integration to System

System integration is maintained such as issuing accept/reject responses to incoming invoices, as well as procurement and then general accounting.


In the event of receipt of an e-invoice, creation of new e-invoice, or receipt of a response to e-invoice, notifications are sent via internal/external (such as client/vendor) e-mail.

Integration with Work Flow and Time Saving

Incoming e-invoices are integrated to the approval/work flow process.  Digital internal approval process saves speed, flexibility and time.

Compatibility with other Modules of ERP and Monitorability

All incoming e-invoices are linked with the standard documents of the system.  It is possible to monitor if any actions (in terms of financial accounting/inventory management, etc.) have been taken in response to an incoming e-invoice. 

Compulsory E-Invoice

  • Companies with a gross sales proceedings or sales and gross business proceedings of more than TRY 5,000,000 must compulsorily use the e-invoice system.
  • Companies licensed by the EPDK (Energy Market Regulatory Authority) are those which are compulsorily required to use e-invoice due to their activities relating to production, import, sales, delivery, etc. of the goods listed in List No I annexed to Excise Tax Act No 4760 of 06.06.2002.
  • Companies which produce, construct or import the goods listed in the List No III annexed to Excise Tax Act No 4760 must mandatorily use the e-invoice system.
  • All companies engaged in the "suitcase" trading must compulsorily use the e-invoice system.
  • The companies which deal with fruit and vegetable trading as a commission-earner or merchant are compulsorily required to use the e-invoice system.
  • Among the companies registered in e-invoice system, those which will issue invoice for their exports covered by Article 11 of VAT Act No 3065 (including the sales in the form of suitcase trade via invoice special to those non-resident of Turkey) as well as for export of articles carried along with passenger (sales to those non-residents of Turkey where VAT is calculated) must compulsorily issue their invoices in the form of e-invoice, effective by 01.07.2017.
  • Companies which must mandatorily use the e-Delivery Note system must also start using e-Invoice system on the effective date of compulsory e-delivery note.
  • Companies which must mandatorily use the e-Archive Invoice system must also start using e-Invoice system on the effective date of compulsory e-archive invoice.
  • The natural or real person service providers which provide e-Commerce environment for economic and commercial activities of other parties defined in Act No 6563 on the Arrangement of Electronic Commerce in the Internet enviroment as an intermediary for purchasing, sales, rental or distribution of goods or services; Owners or operators of the websites which publishes the advertising for sales or renting of the real properties, motor vehicles of natural and legal persons in the Internet environment; Service agencies in internet advertising engaging as an intermediary for publication of advertising in the Internet environment; Those taxpayers who will start doing business in the areas defined above by 2020 or subsequent account periods, within 3 months after business commencement date; must migrate to e-Invoice system by completing their applications or actual migration preparations.

How to Apply For E-Invoice?

One of the first things you should do to migrate to e-Invoice is to obtain a financial seal. Legal persons must obtain their financial seals from Public Certification Center (you can apply for it at https://mportal.kamusm.gov.tr/bp/edf.go). There are 2 options for natural persons. One is to obtain an e-signature, another is financial seal.


To financial seal you must fill in the relevant form and pay the financial seal fee. In 3-4 days after application process completed, your financial seal will be delivered via cargo service to your address. After receipt of the financial seal, you are ready to migrate to e-Invoice.


Companies which received the financial seal can apply for e-Invoice at  https://portal.efatura.gov.tr/efaturabasvuru/ address of Revenue Administration.


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